Living in the light of God

January 26th, 2013 Comments off

Living in the light of God
By Yvonne Lai

When I think of this subject, two hymns pop up in my mind. God’s way is the best way.
“God’s way is the best way, though I may not see it.
Why sorrows and trials often gather around me,
He is always seeking my gold to refine.
So, humbly I trust Him, my Saviour divine.
God’s way is the best way. I will trust Him always;
He knows best.”

When I was eighteen years old, I dedicated myself to the Lord during a devotional meeting. I wanted to walk with God like Enoch in the Old Testament. In the prayer I visualized myself like a little child, standing in front of the Lord, willing to be used by Him. I was nothing in front of my Mighty God. But I was sure He would use me if I committed my life to Him. With simple faith, I did so and submitted myself to His will. When I was twenty-two, God’s calling was once again upon me. Through my daily devotion one day, He called me to make a step of faith to offer myself to be a servant of God. I accepted this calling right away, like Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt in front of the Red Sea. He made a leap of faith to step into the Red Sea. God has accomplished great things through him.

Our God is a great God. He is faithful. He has lead me all these years. I married a pastor, and we have served faithfully together in churches since 1973. It pays to serve Jesus everyday. Many people get blessings from the Lord through our serving. In life, we face uncertainties, difficulties, and hardship. But nothing can separate us from the love of God. During the last thirty years of serving, God’s presence in me is constant. He strengthens me when I am weak. He comforts me when I’m hurt. He makes His face shine upon me.

After the birth of my second child, I became sick with rheumatoid arthritis, a disease that is chronic and crippling. The specialists told me that I would suffer “until the day I die.”

Who could I turn to? No one could help me. Not even my dear husband. “Turn your eye upon Jesus.” God used this hymn to remind me again to make another step of faith to trust him, he can “make me whole.” My younger son has grown up now. On his twenty-fifth birthday, I reflected on my journey accompanied with sickness. The disease has gradually taken away my independence. I went through ten joint replacements/operations. Hospitals had become my second home. But one thing in me was whole: my soul. There is no bitterness, no sorrow, no complaints, but there is praise. The Lord makes his face shine upon me. My heart is always filled with love, joy and peace. “Peace like a river filled my soul.”

“When peace like a river attends my way.
When sorrows like sea billows roll.
Whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say:
It is well with my soul.”

Romans 8:35
Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?

Categories: 生命再思

Life and Mountaineering

January 26th, 2013 Comments off

Life and Mountaineering
Written by Rev. Paul Lai
Translate by Brenda Tsang

In 2004, a 66-year-old Taiwanese named Hong Ming Lang scaled the Jade Mountain, the highest peak in Taiwan, for the 300th time. He was thus honored as “Taiwan’s Super Man.” But Hong did not boast himself as a conqueror of the mountain. Through such an experience, however, he only realized man’s insignificance in front of God and His creation.

“You can never appreciate the grace of plains if you have not ascended a high peak.” I read these words when I was young, but I was ignorant of their meaning until I grew up.

Life is like a landscape painting with both plains and mountains. Going up a high peak requires strong will, courage and perseverance. A firm belief that the height will certainly be subjugated will make the endeavor a joyful, exciting and full of hope.
Living a beautiful life means not only dreams and visions, but also arduous work. A life without suffering seems like a pale canvas without color, a boring walk without ups and downs. Hardship, just like mountain climbing, can help build up strong faith and will in us.

A mountaineer needs not only an unswerving will of his own, but also a caring heart and a helping hand towards his fellow hikers. When someone falls, he is helped up on foot. When someone feels week, others in the team are of his service to make him strong enough to continue his effort. Reaching the pinnacle, therefore, is an achievement of the whole team.

The hiking experience would be a joyful one, when the hikers encourage and assist each other on their laborious way up, or even become bosom friend。
When we hit the mountain top, we are able to feel some closeness and sweetness in fellowship with God. There, the air is extremely fresh. There, those we boasted on the plain look so trivial, almost void. There, you would be able to realize that even the earth is like merely a particle compared with the universe, let alone man. On top of a mountain, people may feel humbler.
A missionary doctor Helen Roseveare considers her life at home, at school and in Congo as a mountain scaling experience. Once she fell into a darkest valley. Yet, it did not disappoint her or stop her. It only made her steps steadier towards another summit. Indeed, we can never expect there is but one height for us to ascend in our life.

Without passing through all kinds of trials, our life can be shallow and pedestrian. But mountain-climbing-like strenuosity can help us find richer and profound meaning of our life.

Categories: 生命再思

A Marriage that Pleases God

January 26th, 2013 Comments off

A Marriage that Pleases God

Written by Rev.Paul Lai
Translate by Brenda Tsang
Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord, for the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior.
–Ephesians 5:22-23

After God formed Adam out of the dust of the ground, He caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam and took out one of his ribs to create Eve. Why did God use a rib to create a woman, and not a bone from the foot? The answer is simple. Just like what the ancient theologist Chrysostom said, “God did not create a woman from a man’s foot, lest she gets oppressed, nor did He create her from a man’s skull, lest she oppresses him; but He created her from a man’s rib, so that she is his partner. The location of the rib—being in the chest—allows the woman to be protected by her man, and being close to the heart allows the woman to be loved by her man.”

1. A Marriage that Pleases God Is Based on the Truth in God’s Word

The Bible says, the husband is the head of the wife; the wife should submit to the head. What does this “head” signify? Most people think that “head” stands for “greatness”, so that the husband has the greatest position in the household. In one occasion, Jesus saw a group of people eating and asked His disciples, “Who is greater, the one who is at the table or the one who serves?” From the world’s perspective, those sitting are greater since they get to comfortably enjoy themselves while others serve them. From a spiritual point of view, those standing are of greater. Jesus said that those of higher status should serve those of lesser. Jesus is the head of the church. He washed the feet of His disciples. He gave His life to the church. So if you’re to be the head, you have to serve your wife. You need to give her your time, give up your own opinions, and in times of need, sacrifice your own life to protect her, just like how Jesus sacrificed Himself for the church. The wife needs to submit to her husband, just like the church submits to Jesus. Jesus loves the church, so naturally the church submits to Jesus, giving her all to Him. If your husband loves you this much, then you would have no problem submitting to him. “Submission” in the Bible does not mean a lesser position, of less respect or ability — It is a response to love. God used a rib to create a woman. Like the rib which is found at the side of a man, so a wife should always be by the side of her husband and support him. Her heart is forever with him, knowing all of each other’s deepest thoughts and feelings.

True love comes from a true God. The Bible says that God is love. We love because He loved us first. True love is walking with each other “the second mile of the road”. The first mile is responsibility, while the second is love. True love surpasses responsibility. True love is loving your wife as yourself. Ephesians 5:29 says, “After all, no one ever hated his own body, but he feeds and cares for it, just as Christ does the church.” An example of how a person treats his own body can be found in the maintenance of a car. If you care about your car, you would not wait until it breaks down before you would tune it up. On a daily basis, the husband should be like “Romeo” to his wife. The wife should continue to take care of her appearance as she had done before marriage. But more importantly, she should mind her inner beauty, as recorded in I Peter 3:4, “Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.” This kind of love will not deteriorate, but will only get better and better with time. True love never ends. The love shared between husband and wife is like no other. Their love goes through all colours of life. Their love endures hardships and prosperity alike. In dark times, their love glows all the more brighter. As it is written in the Bible, brothers and sisters are meant to go through tough times together. The relationship between husband and wife, however, should be even deeper than that among siblings. Therefore, they should all the more persevere through trials of many types together. The renowned English writer C. S. Louis said, “Love is choosing to endure suffering with the one you love over enjoying prosperity with another.” “Oceans will dry up and mountains will crumble, but love will remain” is a common vow of love. Even King Solomon in Song of Songs 8:7 said, “Many waters cannot quench love; rivers cannot wash it away. If one were to give all the wealth of his house for love, it would be utterly scorned.” Man cannot separate whom God has joined together.

2. A Marriage that Pleases God calls for Respect for Each Other

A couple should respect each other, each other’s family, friends, personality, likes and dislikes. The other’s parents will be my parents; his/her friends my friends. When a couple respects each other, life will be filled with peace and warmth. Love is trusting in one another. Without trust, the marriage will be endangered. Once trust has been tried, much effort and time are needed to rebuild it. Therefore, honesty is extremely important in the relationship. Even “little fibs” should be avoided to guard and maintain the trust between you.

3. A Marriage that Pleases God calls for an Understanding of Each Other

After marriage, the couple needs to continue to learn about each other — about each other’s original family and background, to help each other understand each other’s personality, practices, strengths and weaknesses. The more you understand differences between men and women, the stronger your marital ties will become. Along with understanding, there is acceptance. God means for a man and his wife to be one in spirit until they are of one soul. Sexual relations was originally intended for communication on all the physical, emotional and spiritual levels. Therefore, a couple needs to incessantly strive to understand each other better, to share with and refine each other, so that a satisfying level of communication will be reached.

4. A Marriage that Pleases God Calls for Security within the Home

A home should be a warm and safe nest. Where there is love, there is security. Home should be a safe place, where a stressed and burdened heart finds comfort and relaxation. Home should also be children’s paradise. “Home Sweet Home” is an all-time favourite hymn because it bears truth. Where is my home? There is no place like home because it is the happiest place. A English saying goes, “A house is built with bricks, but a home is built with love.” The home is indeed a nest of security and bliss.

5. A Marriage that Pleases God Calls for Thankfulness

A couple needs to honestly admire each other. Don’t hesitate to send words of admiration and thankfulness to each other. Words of thankfulness need to come constantly and from the heart. Praise for each other will scale your love onto new heights. Just one “I admire you” or “thank you” is like sweet-sounding music to the ears of heart.


The secret to having a wonderful marriage lies in honouring, loving and respecting each other. Such a marriage will not only bring joy to the family, but will also cause a deeper relationship with God for both individuals. Marriage is not merely about seeking happiness, but more importantly is about becoming godlier. All the days of marriage allows us to learn about and practice submission, humbleness, meekness, gentleness, kindness, patience, forgiveness and acceptance — becoming more like Jesus every day. True love is about thinking of the well-being of the other, living for each other and the children.

“Jesus is the head of our household” should not just be hung over the fireplace as a form of decoration, but should be lived out. It means to follow His teachings and principles, allow Him to truly be the master, and you and your family the devoted servants.

TRUST in each other with the truth which is found in the Lord. This TRUST means:

Truth of God’s Word
Respect for Each Other
Understanding Each Other
Security in the Home
Thankfulness for Each Other

TRUST in the Lord, and TRUST in each other.

Categories: 生命再思


November 27th, 2012 Comments off

賴羅聰慧 許一新譯



我們的上帝是偉大而奇妙的神。在後來的30多年中,祂一直在信實地帶領我。祂為我選定了一位傳道人作我的終身伴侶。自1973年以來,我們始終不渝地一起在主裏忠心地事奉。我們每日的辛勞結出了豐碩的果實。感謝主,透過我們生命的事奉,使許多人得到了上帝的祝福。在生活中,我們經歷了多少前路渺茫和艱難困苦時刻,然而什麼都無法使我們與主的愛隔絕。在以往這30年裏,上帝始終與我同在。當我軟弱的時候, 祂使我剛強;當我痛苦難當的時候,祂給我安慰。神的榮光時刻充滿我的心。


誰都知道,我的日常生活幾乎完全仰仗我先生的幫助 —— 煮飯、穿衣、清潔、等等、等等。沒有他,我怎麽活下去呀!爲什麽癌病偏偏落在他身上,他是我們全家的頂梁柱啊!有多少的問題要向上帝求教,祂就用《希伯來書》的經文安慰我們,且提醒我們,祂是信實、慈愛、眷顧祂兒女的神:“我們既然有一位已經升入高天尊榮的大祭司,就是神的兒子耶穌,便當持定所承認的道。因我們的大祭司並非不能體恤我們的軟弱;他也曾凡事受過試探,與我們一樣,只是他沒有犯罪。所以我們只管坦然無懼地來到施恩的寶座前,爲要得憐恤,蒙恩惠,作隨時的幫助” (4 ﹕14-16)。平安於是又一次回到了我們心裏。
接下去,我先生接受了一系列的檢查和治療,其中包括35次的放射治療 —— 從1997年12月3日開始,每周五次!
今年(2003年)8月28日,我開始感覺十分疲勞,飲食不思。過後的幾天,我發現自己的雙眼呈黃色,尿液也同樣,還出現消化不良的現象,就趕忙去看家庭醫生。經過一番化驗 —— 驗血、驗尿、超聲波檢查,等等 —— 醫生告訴我說:“你的膽管發炎,發生了阻塞,情況可能很嚴重。我們必須送你進醫院,做其他內科檢查。”

Categories: 生命再思


October 27th, 2012 Comments off




多年前我從英文主日學教材 “The Power”中看到一篇很短的文章。作者提到愛的反面不是恨,愛的反面也不是「不愛」,他說愛的反面是冷漠!
在這故事中,路加福音十章第三十一節的「偶然」希臘文是 SUNKURIAN,意是巧合。其實這字的意思,是指百機的匯合,看起來似乎是出於偶然,實際卻是神為要成就更重的目的所安排的。祂把我們安置於某些環境,使我們遇到某些人,都是因為祂要藉著我們作一些什麼事,說一些什麼話。我們若能在主所安排的人際關係中慷慨捨己,那麼生命便不再平淡乏味。祂要藉著我們去愛的時候,祂會把我們安置於那些受傷者的生命途中 。但有多少時候我們卻輕輕的放棄了這個「偶然」的機會。同時,我們也失去一次向主顯示對祂的愛,因祂說,當你愛一個小子,作在一個小子身上時,就是作在祂身上。(太二十五:45)
生活在繁囂忙碌,人情薄如紙的社會,親朋好友,各忙各事,各有各的生活圈子,若有人遭遇疾病或其他生活衝擊不幸的事,談起關懷及扶助,根本就沒有這回事。人與人之間即使對人好說一句討對方的歡心,作一件討對方的喜悅的事,都是在彼此互惠互利的關係上對人好。 對人存著純正真摰而不求還報的真愛付出,真是少之又少。

沃克牧师(Paul Walker)有次分享了一个关于他得救经历的小故事:「我这一生中被许多不同的主日学老师教过,但其中只有一位在我的记忆中异常清晰。但令我印象深刻的是他对我们的爱……。」

摘錄自余杰冷[漠是一種罪惡]——-“這個悲慘的故事是我輾轉從當記者的朋友那裡聽來的。北京國企的一對失業了的夫婦. 妻子懷孕快要生產了,因為家中一貧如洗,不敢到收費昂貴的大醫院去。於是,丈夫借來一輛板車,拉著妻子去附近的一所獸醫院找熟人接生, 沒有想到妻子偏偏又是難產,獸醫不敢處理,勸他們立刻到大醫院,否則大人孩子都有生命危險。丈夫咬著牙將蹬著平板車一路疾馳,妻子在車上痛苦地呻吟著。當平板車來到一個繁華路口時,警察攔住了他們。原來,這條街道是國賓道,不允許人力車經過。警察執行公務一點也不含糊,雖然現在並沒有尊貴的國賓的車隊通行,但他依然堅持不放行。孕婦的呻吟和鮮血,警察卻充耳不聞、視而不見。丈夫哀哭著向他下跪,這名警察仍然「剛直不阿」。沒有辦法,丈夫只好蹬著車繞道前往醫院。中途耽誤了半小時,到達醫院時,大人和孩子都已經失去了搶救的時機,雙雙死亡。晚上,悲痛萬分的丈夫一個人在破舊的家裡上吊自盡了。他人的苦難不足以成為自身的苦難,「愛」成為一種長期缺席的元素。我們的心靈就像是一片逐步被沙化的綠洲,再也蘊含不了一點點甘泉,就連堅韌的仙人掌也無法存活。冷漠的盡頭是麻木,我想起了作家盧躍剛在《大國寡民》中說過一句話:「貧窮和愚昧並不可怕,真正可怕的是冷漠和麻木。」“
DR Lloyd John Ogilvie著。 天國奧秘的揭曉 頁185。

Categories: 愛的真諦


October 25th, 2012 Comments off


「 耶 和 華 我 神 啊 , 求 你 看 顧 我 , 應 允 我 , 使 我 眼 目 光 明 , 免 得 我 沉 睡 至 死 。 」 ( 詩 篇 13 篇 3 節 )
沒 有 信 心 的 人 看 到 的 多 是 外 在 的 環 境 、 遭 遇 , 但 神 要 我 們 透 過 屬 靈 的 眼 睛 – 信 心 , 看 到 神 的 同 在 與 祂 的 旨 意 。 先 知 以 利 亞 的 僕 人 看 到 敵 人 那 麼 多 , 便 感 到 驚 慌 , 但 以 利 亞 卻 看 到 有 千 萬 的 天 軍 與 他 同 在 , 所 以 不 懼 怕 。 又 如 窺 探 迦 南 地 的 十 二 個 探 子 , 其 中 十 個 因 視 敵 人 為 巨 人 , 看 自 己 似 蚱 蜢 而 害 怕 , 只 有 約 書 亞 和 迦 勒 有 信 心 能 取 勝 。
有 信 心 的 人 看 到 的 是 「 神 的 大 能 」 , 體 會 到 的 是 「 神 的 愛 」 ; 沒 有 信 心 的 人 , 只 會 消 極 地 怨 神 為 什 麼 不 按 人 的 願 望 供 給 。
當 屬 靈 的 眼 睛 有 了 神 的 光 時 , 縱 然 面 對 的 是 黑 夜 , 也 能 看 到 黑 夜 將 盡 , 曙 光 將 臨 , 眼 前 似 乎 無 路 可 走 , 卻 深 信 神 是 能 使 沙 漠 開 江 河 , 曠 野 開 道 路 的 神 。 有 了 神 的 光 照 , 我 們 便 不 會 沉 淪 至 死 , 也 不 會 被 苦 難 擊 倒 。 在 苦 難 中 , 若 我 們 的 眼 睛 仰 望 神 , 完 全 倚 靠 祂 , 便 得 著 祂 恩 慈 的 引 領 。
以 賽 亞 書 說 神 時 常 指 點 我 們 : 「 這 是 正 路 , 要 行 在 其 中 」 。 正 如 主 耶 穌 說 的 : 「 眼 睛 就 是 身 上 的 燈 , 你 的 眼 睛 若 瞭 亮 , 全 身 就 光 明 , 你 的 眼 睛 若 昏 暗 , 全 身 就 黑 暗 。 」 這 眼 睛 就 是 屬 靈 的 眼 睛 。 求 神 在 我 們 禱 告 時 , 常 開 我 們 屬 靈 的 眼 睛 , 好 叫 我 們 看 到 祂 的 光 。 假 如 我 們 在 「 黑 暗 」 中 , 也 能 看 到 這 光 , 那 麼 我 們 的 生 命 就 能 脫 離 黑 暗 , 進 入 全 然 的 光 明 了 。
勞 森 (Steven J. Lawson) 說 得 好 : 「 當 我 們 遭 遇 最 不 可 能 的 環 境 時 , 神 就 會 以 最 仁 愛 的 心 為 祂 的 子 民 開 路 。 這 需 要 我 們 向 祂 祈 求 , 因 為 祂 必 為 你 開 啟 這 路 的 門 …
神 為 你 開 門 所 需 要 的 是 你 信 心 的 眼 , 你 的 肉 眼 能 見 到 只 是 不 可 能 的 障 礙 、 攔 阻 ; 唯 有 屬 靈 的 眼 睛 才 能 看 到 神 在 你 面 前 所 啟 開 的 門 。 也 唯 有 信 心 才 能 看 到 神 所 給 予 你 的 機 會 。 」

Categories: 生命再思


October 25th, 2012 Comments off



「愚妄人惱怒時顯露,通達人能忍辱藏羞,不輕易發怒的大有聰明」箴言13:16. 有一句這樣說:「惱怒是片刻的瘋狂,所以你要控制情緒,否則情緒控制了你」惱怒一發,往往失去理智,有如脫韁的野馬,怒海中無人掌舵的船隻。人際關係,夫妻,兄弟姊妹,父母子女,親友,往往因失去控制情緒而發怒,帶來了創傷甚至斷絕了關係,因為人發怒,頭腦便怒氣沖昏,於是許多不該講的話就衝口而出。實在的,忿怒起於愚昧,終於悔恨。有一個研究指出百分之九十的衝突源自語氣欠佳,所以要用溫柔、敬畏的心回答,方能平息怒氣。更進一步便去學習遷就人。

Categories: 生命再思


October 24th, 2012 Comments off










Categories: 生命再思


October 17th, 2012 Comments off




Categories: 彩虹見證


July 26th, 2012 Comments off







以前在平原上,卻不覺平原之可愛,因無法看盡所站的平原。如今高瞻遠望,方看得見平原。同樣我們若不經苦難又不登苦難之山。我們所看見的人生是何等有限 平凡。所看見;是嘆息,是暗淡,,悲懷,如今登了高山,透過高山,所看的人生是超越的人生,是有意義,有深度的人生。

Categories: 生命再思