Yvonne’s Remarkable Dream

March 23rd, 2017
Yvonne’s Remarkable Dream
 Writen by Paul Lai
Translated by Edwine Leung
About one year ago, Yvonne had a dream. She dreamt that she was like a princess, riding into town. The people around her were waving, welcoming her with much excitement. At that time, I thought her dream symbolized the possibility of moving to a new mission field, where we were welcomed by the crowds.
It hadn’t crossed my mind to compare her dream to her inevitable passing and entering into the Lord’s embrace. Now that I think about it, I sense God used Yvonne’s dream to give her a glimpse of her heavenly home. Therefore, Yvonne experienced a deep sense of peace ten days before she passed; she was ready to go to her heavenly home.
The night before we held her last fellowship meeting in our home, she said the hymn “God Prepares” was impressed upon her. She was inspired by God to know that it was time to go home, and in the middle of the night, she asked that we sing this song together. She requested we sing the second phrase “Whether now, or later, God prepares. Although it is not according to my timing, not according to my timing, it is according to His timing.” When to live? When to die? It is all according to God’s perfect timeline. We only need to accept it.
That amazing hymn is one that I haven’t sang in years. So on that night of fellowship, she invited the brothers and sisters to sing “God Prepares.”
God Prepares
1. Whether this way, or that way, God prepares. Although it is not according to my plans, or your plans, He has His plan, He prepares.
2. Whether now, or later, God prepares. Although it is not according to my time, or according to your time, He has His timing, He prepares.”
I depend on Him, because He prepares. I wholeheartedly depend on Him, because He prepares.
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