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LIFE’S CELEBRATION (Yvonne—My One and Only Beloved)

August 22nd, 2016

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By:  Various 

Translated by Albert  Li

Dear Mrs. Lai, no matter whether you were walking, sitting, or lying down, you were, in our

heart, an example of a woman pleasing to God.   R. P.

We are grateful to you for the warmth you brought to us by your sacrificial lives.   Such warmth comes from Mrs. Lai’s kind smile and Pastor Lai’s teaching.   May the Glory of our Lord shine through you to us.   May we become like a mirror reflecting this light on others.   H. L.

You loved to sing for us the song “Nothing but Leaves”.   The reason is “when we experience various trials, you want us to consider it a great joy, knowing that the testing of our faith produces endurance.   But endurance must do its complete work, so that we may be mature and complete, lacking nothing.”  James 1:3-4.  Thank you for the witness you have given to us.   B. C.

When I looked back at how Pastor Lai and you diligently served, passed the message of Salvation of Jesus Christ, built up the church and edified disciples, I am grateful for all that you have put in.   May the Lord remember all you have done.   K. C.

As I reviewed what you have taught us and the living witness you’ve been to us in those years, they have become the examples for us to follow and to serve Christ steadfastly.   K. H.

Your submission, your offering without restraint and your service in oneness with Pastor Lai have given blessings to many of us.   Your smile, your persistence, your commitment to your family and your support to Pastor Lai were good examples for all of us.   A. C.

I remembered you taught me that a loving heart and wise mind are what is most important to a young lady.   You also taught me that I need not worry about not having a marriage partner when I let God sit on the throne of my life and have love and wisdom in me.   This truth remains deep in my heart and I will be re-teaching it to my daughter all my life.   A. S.

I am thankful that you brought me to Christ and cared for me.   I appreciate the love I saw in your marriage life, the way you served God together and the ability with which you managed your household.   You were Pastor Lai’s assistant in all things.   You were also a good mother for Stephen and Peter.   I respect the kindness and smile you delivered despite misfortunes.   It tells us how much happiness and faith God had given to you Mrs. Lai.   A. L.

Your smile has encouraged me to serve the people around me.   Your teachings have truly been my reminders.   When you met me, I was filled with sorrow.   You taught me to let the words of the Bible control my life and to bring fruits in my life.   Amazingly, this is how God has guided me.   I will always remember in my heart.   I love you, Mrs. Lai.   I will follow you as you have followed Jesus Christ.   C. C.


I received the Lord at Ottawa Chinese Alliance Church 40 years ago.   I have been a disciple and called to serve.   Pastor Lai has taught and directed me all this time.   He has taken an interest in our service and has supported and prayed for us.   This has greatly encouraged us.   In the life of Pastor Lai, we have come to know the meaning of faithfulness and persistence.   In the life of Mrs. Lai, we learned how to submit and be joyful.   Mrs. Lai, you were my beloved pastor’s wife forever.   You were my example.   Both of you have impacted our lives.   R.

Pastor Lai and you, Mrs. Lai, have brought great blessings to our lives.   Vividly in our minds you are faithful, loving and joyful amidst suffering.    Every time we think of you we see your smile.   Although you encountered

suffering in sickness, you still showed that beautiful and joyous smile.   My husband and I will always remember you.   D. T.

Do you remember?   43 years ago, my family was destitute in Paris, France.   You helped us to solve our immediate need by introducing us to work at a Vietnamese restaurant.   We are so thankful.   We will never forget.   We are learning from you.   You are our good model.   You are a good witness.   We will always remember your care for us.   Thank you.   P. L.

I just found out that Mrs. Lai has gone to her rest with the Lord.   Today, Sister Alice was the moderator of the Sunday worship.    She prayed for you at the end of the worship.   Many brothers and sisters were saddened by the news.  “The death of His faithful ones is precious in the Lord’s sight.”  Ps. 116:15.  G. C.

Categories: 生命再思
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