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OBEDIENCE AND PEACE (Yvonne—My One and Only Beloved)

August 22nd, 2016

2016-01-15 16.08.26

By: Yvonne Lai

There is peace in my heart, not the world has to offer, nor the world can take away;

Although trials and tribulations surround me, I always have this peace. 


Always in my heart, Jesus is mine; moments in my mind, joy and happiness; 

The Lord will never leave me, He whispers to me: “I will never leave you.”

He belongs to me.

My physical disabilities limited the movements of my arms, hands, legs and feet.  Each movement was extremely painful and strenuous.  I felt like I was being caged inside my body.  Then God re-molded my inner life and gave me great peace in my heart. When you know you are helpless, you will be obedient to God.  However, your obedience can only be attained through persevering in tough tests.  When I learned of Rev. Lai’s cancer, I was in great fear.  We prayed together.  I said, “Lord, I submit to you totally”.  When I was willing to submit, God gave me peace and joy that the world could not give me.  God gives us “peace that passes all understanding”, and that is the greatest blessing that God bestowed on Christians.

Categories: 生命再思
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